NPS-JFC-3-034-SIDE-A (Batch 2)

We hope to compile a catalogue with players, instruments, tunes, dates, a description of quality and anything else that may be relevant. The catalogue will be updated from your entries. Please provide your observations in a form that helps us to create and update the catalogue.

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Current Catalogue Entry

TapeNPS-JFC-3-034-SIDE-ABatch2Length m 48Date Rec’d
TitleBorderers in Newcastle Guildhall 10 02 1979 first-tapeContentsLive event with ceilidh caller, sounds of dancing, and occasional chatter.
NotesSome of calls and names of dances might be retrievable but much of it is too faint. Radio station at end is possibly Irish
HelpIdentification of tunes and caller Confirmation of place, date and the name of the band
00:3:35Borderers? (whole tape)Unid/Because He Was/Salmon Tails/NancyFiddle, piano accordion,
? guitar, ?drums
Same band throughoutMD
4:00-8.30Nutting Girl/In Good King Henry’s Day/The Flowing Bowl/unid/Winster GallopMD
8.30-13:57Unid/Winster Gallop/Rose Tree/Girl I Left Behind meMD
14:00-18:11Unid/Buttered Peas/Unid/UnidMD
18:11-22:22Unid/Winster Gallop/Rose Tree/Girl I Left Behind meMD
26:35-31:15Unid/Marching Through Georgia/I Wish I Was In Dixie/Battle Cry of Freedom/Old Folks At Home/Yankee DoodleMD
31:20-34:29My Love She’s But A Lassie Yet/William Tell [!]/Cock O’ The NorthMD
34:29-36:40Unid/Cock O’ The NorthMD
36:50-39:30Sir John Fenwick/Madame Bonaparte/unidMD
39:43-43:44Unid/Unid/Can’t Put Yer Muck In Our Dustbin/Muffin Man/Grandfather’s Clock/unidMD
43:44-47:24Light music recorded off radioMD
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