NPS-JFC-5-002-SIDE-B (Batch 1)

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Current Catalogue Entry
TapeNPS-JFC-5-002-SIDE-BBatch1Length m 47Date Rec’d
TitleGeorge Hepple InterviewContentsInterview (stereo) + off Radio
NotesMusic is present as part of the interview.
HelpID some tunes. Could denoise the conversation if necessary
00-47:02 endGeorge Hepple and Forster CharltonFlow Gently Sweet Afton
Rowantree Hill
FiddlesThis is the continuation of the interview on Side A where the interview is talking about playing seconds, with GH and FC mostly playing duets, FC apparently wanting to record GH’s seconds with a view to including some of them in the proposed NPS Duet Book. Comments about the NPS Second Tune Book as a fairly recent thing mean the recording is no earlier than 1981 but before 1986. There’s enough talking round the tunes that it would be worth someone transcribing the speech.George and Forster playing duets on the fiddle, following on from the end of side one MD
00: 01:45Flow Gently Sweet Afton – duetFC comment – Can’t see how that’s going to fit on the pipes but we’ll compromise when I write it outMD
02:22 -09:04Tune followed by the seconds – GH, then attempted duetRowantree Hill – MD
10:00 -12:30GH lead, FC seconds, then the reverseHerd on the HillMD
12:50 – 13:45FCStumpyGH suggests Buttered Peas, FC plays him Stumpy insteadMD
14:10 – 15:20DuetBobby Shaftoerecording clearly paused while FC talks about something elseMD
7:40 -18:20Voice/ChatMD
18:20 -24:40FCGateshead StadiumFC talking about some of mistakes in NPS 2 “four of my tunes there and three of them have mistakes in them”. Also says “I’ll try and work on the Duet Book”MD
24:40 -25:45DuetJB Milne
25:40 – 27:22Duet George Hepple and Forster CharltonCaddam WoodsWhile Caddam Woods is usually considered to be a Scottish country dance tune and attributed to Adam Rennie (1897-1960) & John Y Cameron, the tune appears as the melody of a German drinking song in the soundtrack of the film All Quiet on the Western Front (1930).CO
28:30 -35:55Hornpipe DuetsMarquis of Lorne
Greencastle Hornpipe
Londonderry/Derry Hornpipe
Friendly Visit
Harvest Home
36:00- 39:25FCvoice/chatFC talking about what he might do with the interview and asking for photo of GHMD
39:25-endCurrent affairs radio programme (probably Radio 4) talking about nuclear arms reduction negotiationsMD
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